Why Callaway Deserves Better than Commissioner David Griggs

In the realm of local politics, few figures have managed to elicit the level of frustration and disenchantment that Callaway City Commissioner David Griggs has in recent years. For a man elected to serve at the pleasure of the citizens, Griggs has astonishingly little interest in actually listening to those he represents. He seems to have forgotten—or perhaps never understood—that his role is not that of an overlord, but of a public servant. Callaway deserves better. It’s time to call out Griggs for what he is: an obstructionist with a self-inflated sense of authority who has overstayed his welcome.

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Callaway, Florida: Growing the Right Way

Callaway, Florida, is sitting on a goldmine of potential. With its gorgeous coastal views and close proximity to Panama City, it’s an ideal spot for both businesses and families. But instead of rushing into heavy-handed government tactics like so many places do, Callaway has a unique chance to grow the right way. By leaning into free-market principles, the city can encourage business development first and let the population growth happen naturally. It’s all about building a vibrant community step by step—without the need for big government or cozy deals with special interests.

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Cronyism in Callaway: Time to Clean House on Tyndall Parkway

In a move that reeks of cronyism, the Callaway City Commission has pushed forward a controversial change in land use for Tyndall Parkway, paving the way for high-density residential development in the heart of the city. Despite an outcry from the community, a handful of commissioners seem more interested in catering to developers than in representing the people who elected them. This blatant disregard for public input signals a dangerous trend in Callaway politics—one that demands immediate action to protect our community’s future.

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Why the Haitian Immigrant ‘Cat-Eating’ Story Is a Low Point for Conservatives

Donald Trump went off the deep end in the recent presidential debate, throwing out a claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are eating cats and residents’ pets. Yes, you read that correctly. Cat-eating. It’s not just an outrageous accusation; it’s a flat-out lie. And the most disturbing part? Some Republicans are still pushing this absurd narrative as if it’s the smoking gun of the immigration crisis. What happened to being the party of truth and responsibility? This fiasco is a new low for our side, and it’s time we called it what it is—nonsense.

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Kamala Harris’ Platform Under the Microscope: A Deep Dive into Political Hypocrisy

Kamala Harris, now at the forefront of the Democratic Party as their 2024 presidential candidate, is attempting to paint a vision of progress and reform. Her campaign rhetoric is filled with promises of unity, economic prosperity, and justice for all. Yet, beneath the polished speeches and carefully crafted policy proposals lies a troubling record. Harris has made a career out of presenting herself as a champion of the people, yet her actions in public office often tell a different story. It’s time to peel back the layers of her platform and expose the glaring inconsistencies between her current promises and her past performance.

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Thomas Massie’s Bold Stand: A Victory for 2nd Amendment Advocates

In a move sure to ignite celebration among 2nd Amendment advocates, Congressman Thomas Massie has introduced H.R. 9534, The National Constitutional Carry Act. This bill is nothing short of a game-changer, one that could reshape the landscape for gun owners across the country. By aiming to standardize concealed carry laws nationwide, Massie’s bill would allow law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed firearm in any state without having to jump through the hoops of varying state-level regulations. And let’s be honest—if you’re a strong supporter of the right to bear arms, this is the kind of legislation you’ve been waiting for.

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Harris or Trump: The Battle for America’s Future

The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most dramatic showdowns in modern political history, and boy, is it a wild ride! On one side, we’ve got Kamala Harris, trying to lock in a historic win as the first female president. On the other, we’ve got Donald Trump, the political juggernaut who’s gunning for a comeback after his defeat in 2020. The race is tighter than a drum, and after the first presidential debate, it’s clear that this election is far from settled.

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Trump and Harris Fail to Impress: Who’s Really Losing?

The first presidential debate of 2024 was supposed to be a turning point—a chance for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump to show the country why they should be the next president. Instead, what we got was a night full of half-hearted exchanges, dodged questions, and missed chances. It left a lot of people asking, “Is this really the best we’ve got?”

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The Montoya Mistake: AFP’s Principles in Peril

The rumors swirling around Rod Montoya potentially being tapped as the next State Director for Americans for Prosperity (AFP) in New Mexico are downright infuriating. It’s hard to believe the organization I once admired, the one I proudly stood beside, would even consider such a figure to lead one of its most effective chapters. Where is the AFP that stood for principle, for liberty, and for accountability? With Montoya at the helm, it seems like all those values are about to be tossed out the window.

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National Issues Impact Bay County: Border Security, Inflation, and Spending Shape Local Politics

In Bay County, Florida, where the sun-drenched shores and deep-rooted traditions often mask the undercurrents of broader political tides, local voters find themselves increasingly consumed by national issues. The ongoing debates in Washington, D.C., over border security, inflation, and government spending are no longer just headlines in the daily news—they are the very conversations echoing through the halls of local government and the coffee shops where residents gather. Bay County, once seemingly insulated from the noise of national politics, is now at the epicenter of a political awakening driven by concerns that resonate deeply within this tight-knit community.

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Snook Fishing Season and Environmental Regulations: Striking the Right Balance for Florida’s Future

As the sun rises over Florida’s coasts, casting its golden light across the shimmering waters, anglers across the state eagerly prepare their lines. September marks the opening of the recreational snook fishing season, a much-anticipated event for both seasoned fishermen and newcomers alike. But this year, the excitement is tempered by discussions about the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) advisories and the broader implications of environmental regulations.

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Respect and Rhetoric: The Fallout from Trump’s Arlington Visit

The latest controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery has reignited debates about his relationship with the military, a subject that has been a point of contention since allegations surfaced in 2020 that he referred to fallen soldiers as “losers” and “suckers.” Although Trump has consistently denied these allegations, the controversy has resurfaced following his recent visit to Arlington, sparking intense discussions across social media and political circles, particularly in Florida.

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